LaTeX plugins for WordPress

This is a review of four plugins that promise to display LaTex equations. The clear winner is WP QuickLaTeX that does even more.

LaTeX for WordPress

  • Doesn’t cope with line breaks in the source
  • No align environment


  • Handles line breaks in the source
  • No align environment
  • Can be configured to use a local LaTeX installation

Enable Latex

  • Handles line breaks in the source
  • No align environment
  • Size, foreground and background of formula can be configured in the shortcode

WP QuickLaTeX

  • Huge number of environments: equation, align, displaymath, eqnarray, multline, flalign, gather, and alignat (including starred versions)
  • Size, foreground and background of formula can be configured in the settings and in the code
  • Even tikzpictures can be used!
  • Numbered equations can be referenced in the text using familiar LaTex syntax
  • Actively developed and maintained
  • Images generated by and cached in the local installation

Rendered by


Obviously I’m going with WP QuickLaTeX.