Displaying BibTex references in WordPress

I will review three plugins that promise to display BibTex citations in a convenient way.

Cite & List

  • Provides some style settings: (Key Format, Bibliography Template, Publication List Template and some Sanitisation Rules)
  • Uses bib2tpl to format BibTex
  • Supported data sources: Custom fields, local and remote files
  • Upside: Output very customizable in the plugin settings
  • Seems quite handy.


  • Seemingly requires manual conversion of BibTex to some proprietary shortcode syntax.
  • Didn’t look further into this.


  • Supported data sources: Custom fields, local and remote files
  • In function similar to Cite & List
  • Upsides: Rich output out of the box, caching of bibtex entries
  • Downside: Output only customizable using short codes


I will go with Cite & List as it seems to be the most convenient solution for me.

I had to check “Custom Fields” on the “Edit Post” page under “Screen Options”. Then I was able to paste BibTex entries into a custom field named bibtex.